BSSC research engineer Aida Chebbi and collaborators publish paper utilizing novel IMU analysis technique.
Welcome to the Bowerman Sport Science Center at Historic Hayward Field
The Bowerman Sports Science Center (BSSC) is a regional research and outreach facility that aims to improve the health, fitness, and well-being of individuals in and around Eugene, OR. With a scientific and clinical background, we pursue research questions which lead to innovations in injury prevention and improved performance. We also offer physical assessments of current fitness levels and potential injury mechanisms, helping athletes meet their individual performance goals.
Current Opportunities
Undergraduate Opportunities
Research Participation
Identifying right and left impact using the derivative of linear resultant acceleration from a single sacrum-mounted IMU
Understanding Women’s Physiology Across the Lifespan
What started as a curiosity about women’s health led this researcher to graduate school.
The Surprising Health Benefits of Pain
Pain starts with stress, and stress shows up at a cellular level. When humans and other lifeforms get stressed out, the balance of oxygen in our cells gets disrupted. In response, the mitochondria—bean-shaped structures that supply cells with energy—ramp up their...
In The Homestretch: A Heptathlete’s Journey to Medical School | Colleen Uzoekwe
From competing in seven events as a track heptathlete, to conducting research in the lab, Colleen has her sights set high. It started when Colleen was a hyper middle schooler — her dad signed her up for track and field to burn off some energy. Little did they know...
How to Run in the Heat Like the Pros
Our Sweat Science columnist tries out the heat adaptation protocol used by Oregon runners, and survives (barely) to tell the tale.